Public education and outreach
Structural and non-agricultural use of pesticides represents a significant non-point source of environmental pollution of surface waters, ambient air and an unknown risk to these pesticide users. We know that the public, once reached, is interested in IPM and reducing pesticide risk. Universities and agencies rely heavily on the written word, and increasingly, the Web. While this information may be excellent, it never reaches most of the public. Also, written information on pesticides or IPM has traditionally not been geared to attract or hold the attention of the public. Until very recently, educational materials on pesticides or pests have been lacking. Reducing the pesticide load in the environment in urban areas will require a multi-faceted, long-term effort of public education and outreach.
"The public" represents a vast, diverse and diffuse audience. To reach these audiences with effective educational messages about reducing risk to the environment and to the self is the only mechanism for simultaneously reducing non-point source pollution and health risks. Planning education and outreach to such a diverse group will require identifying the under-served audiences through collaboration, networking and developing different types of partnerships.
Successful extension education outreach programs are based on a solid understanding of the needs of the targeted audience and the use of appropriate techniques to disseminate the needed information. One effective way is to partner with community groups, schools, businesses, agencies, and non-profit organizations to overcome obstacles and promote IPM education and implementation in schools and urban communities.
Target audiences
- Inner-city residents: the approach to this audience might include churches, community organizations, and other NGOs.
- Health care professionals: awareness training to this group has a role to play in spreading the reduced-risk message.
- Garden centers at point of purchase: the public often ask store workers about products for pest control, even though these workers may have no education. Educating this group will help to disseminate the message to hundreds of people every year.
- K-12 Children: working with school districts to include IPM curriculum will help at the grass roots level to capitalize on interests and get the message across.
IPM program staff are currently exploring these opportunities through networking with IPM Regional Alliance members, other organizations and industry.
Planning and demonstrating reduced-risk pest management strategies is a continuous process. The County IPM program staff, department IPM coordinators and department managers are always looking for grants and funding opportunities in this regard. As funds are made available, the process of demonstration and adoption of best management practices continues.
- An example of a successful community IPM outreach is the BugMobile, organized and hosted by the Pennsylvania state IPM program. An innovative educational experience, the BugMobile is a traveling educational attraction promoting the message of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in a fun and exciting way. Ask the BugMobile questions and check out the IPM display with live insects, free educational materials, pest management information (weeds, diseases, wildlife, and insects), fun giveaways, and activities and games.
- A radio show organized by King County, discussed alternatives to weed and feed and the presence of pesticides in our waterways, while emphasized gardening with native plants to reduce pesticide use, reduce water use and restore habitat. The show was done live on location at Lowe's in Issaquah as part of Lowe's Going Organic promotion. King County supported the show as part of its Natural Yard Care program.
- Display: The Pest House: A handcrafted wooden dollhouse demonstrates a few pest problems: ten in fact. Flies, mold, ants, and raccoons are only some of them. Problems such as branches too close to the house and holes in walls can be rectified by moving a part that resets itself when the visitor is done. The display combines two over-arching concepts-pest problems and IPM solutions-into one exhibit. Visitors can interact with the house on three sides, one of which allows them inside the rooms.
- Display: Mosquito Pinball: Combine the thrill of learning ways to "fight the bite." A Mosquito Pinball game encourages visitors to earn points every time the ball comes in contact with a mosquito-thwarting practice, such as emptying sources of water, wearing repellent, encouraging natural predators, or cleaning gutters.
- Another example of an interactive community IPM outreach is the US EPA Environmental Kids Club, and Pollution Prevention Coloring Book, where environmental awareness is brought to the grass root level.
Publications and resources
To reach target audiences with Extension IPM education publications, greater consideration should be given to the participant's background, perceptions of pest problems, current use of IPM practices, and preferences for educational formats. It varies with age group, day to day involvement of the participant in specific pest management activity who has diverse interest to know more about pests.
A few examples of the IPM related literature, brochures for the public:
Outreach brochures
- Brochures by Our Water Our World
- A good bug tub for your garden
- Building occupants - Resolve chronic ant problems in your facilities
- Healthy lawn care
- Understanding and managing structural ant problems
- IPM guidance manual for the facility managers
- Stinging arthropods emergencies in regional parks
Other publications
- IPM for Kids - Cool Websites with lots of interactive brochures, literature and games promoting IPM, engaging kids at the grass root level.
- Publications and other educational material by UC Statewide IPM Program
- Publications related to community IPM awareness by NY State IPM Program
Public service announcements (PSA)
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are short, "non-commercial" announcements prepared to provide information to the public. A non-commercial announcement contains information that benefits its intended audience, rather than the company that created it. For example, a PSA that provides IPM information differs from an ad that promotes the sale of a pest management product or service. Consequently, nonprofit associations produce most PSAs, but commercial, for-profit organizations may also use them to promote their nonprofit activities and events.
Free air time (usually 10- to 60-second spots) on television and radio is available to groups such as community associations, advocate groups, nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations that are promoting their community, nonprofit events with PSAs. TV and radio stations donate this air time to meet the Federal Communications Commission's public service requirements.
PSAs are used by organizations to:
- Publicize community events.
- Provide health and safety tips.
- Assist in fund raising efforts.
- Inform and influence public opinion.
PSA messages:
- Must contain information that is beneficial to the community.
- Should not include controversial or self-serving material.
Many radio and TV stations have guidelines for acceptance and production of PSAs. Always send your news in their requested format.
Example of IPM PSA: "Heard us on the radio? We're running a series of public service announcements throughout New York that describe simple IPM techniques you can use in your home and yard to manage common pests." NY State IPM Program has developed series of PSA's to create community awareness towards IPM. You can hear the PSA or download the associated brochures for more information at NY State IPM Website.
SCC IPM Program is also working on the IPM PSA project. The PSA will be packaged with cover letter, storyboard and background information and pitched to the top 20 radio stations across the Bay Area. Periodic promotions will follow an initial mailing in pursuit of continued usage. These PSA will run throughout Santa Clara County that describe simple IPM techniques public can use in their home and yard to manage common pests.