Every day is Earth Day in the County of Santa Clara!
There are many ways to celebrate the Earth at the County: from enjoying our diverse parks, helping clean up our creeks and rivers, reducing waste, and learning more about the environment through our library. We have gathered a list of things you can do now, along with County resources you can also check out. Join us in celebrating Earth Day every day!
Energy rebates
Explore how to make your home energy efficient and available rebates.
Water saving
Learn about water conservation efforts and available rebates for your home.
Farmers' market
Explore any of our 28 local farmers' markets. It's spring, and you'll find fresh and seasonal produce, yummy food, music, and warmer days.
County Parks Annual Pass
The Annual Pass offers something for everyone and makes a great gift throughout the year! Get your parks pass and visit any of the 28 County parks spread over 52,000 acres of land in Santa Clara County.
Recycle right
Learn what's recyclable, why, and how to recycle right. We can all make a difference for our environment and community.
Household Hazardous Waste
Find out how to safely dispose of household waste like auto fluids, batteries, garden chemicals, household cleaners, paint, and others.
Voter Information Guide
Go green and receive your County Voter Information Guide electronically instead. Join us in our commitment to save tax dollars today and ensure a better world for tomorrow!
Green Business
Help your business go green and join our elite group of certified businesses countywide.
Clean water
Learn how to protect our County creeks, rivers, lakes, and bay land.